Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kivuli Character Sheet

Character's name- Kivuli

     -Nickname- "Nawvlee"- what the African tribes he encountered would call him, meaning "big devil"

Gender- Male

Sexual orientation- Heterosexual

Age- Technically has lived as long as antelope have existed, but has lived in a human body for 27 years, and appears approximately 30.

Marital/Relationship status- Single, has had brief, uncommitted relationships (resulting to 2 human and an unknown number of antelope children) before.

Education level- Primarily philosophical and artistic over academic. Has some knowledge of African and European human culture. Can read well enough, but is hardly affluent, and can write enough to sign his name and manage mostly legible contracts now and then.

     -Height- 6'3"

     -Weight- approx 170 lbs.

     -Figure/Build- Would be stocky, if was not purely vegetarian in diet. Is too thin for his height, making his neck, hands and feet seem slightly too thick/large. And, since the antelope spirit inside him is slowly changing his body's structure, his neck is uncommonly long, his teeth are all too long and flat, and his body hair is dark and wiry to the touch.

     -Hair- Red-brown, and grown past his shoulders. Usually pulled back into a low ponytail to hide that his antelope mane of thicker black hair is growing back in. The black does show around his temples, though, as well as behind his ears, and extends in a line down his neck to between his shoulderblades.

    -Eyes- Light blue with a pupil of an azure shade. His eyes are actually glass- After his antelope avatar (which had distinctive blue eyes of this manner) was killed, the hunter who shot it preserved the pelt and replaced the blue eyes with glass ones. After Kivuli killed the hunter and inhabited his body, he took the glass eyes and put them in the human body (as the hunter's eyes had been blown out during the possession process). This does not impair his vision, since he is a spirit and can see through the eye sockets as if they were windows.

     -Skin- Tanned

     -Tattoos/piercings- No piercings, and though not actually tattoos, has facial markings resembling a sable antelope's and a symbol (which resembles a sun and is surrounded by rows of pattern) on his back that appear on his body when stressed out or emotional.

     -Scars- Only small ones that the hunter had before the possession. On close inspection, has a few on his eyelids from when the hunter's eyes exploded.

    -Preferred clothing- None, as he finds it constricting and uncomfortable. When alone, though, he usually wears a wrap or sash of some sort around his waist. In public, he dresses as a man of the upper middle class (usually with some sort of bold accessory from his homeland or from the circus) and onstage wears a striking striped vest and white pants, accompanied by his antelope skin, which is worn like a cape.

     -Significant jewelry- none

     -Addictions- None, as he does not understand the "human desire to poison oneself,"

     -Allergies- Allergic to many blooming plants, but his strict diet of fruits, vegetables, a little bread and water helps combat this.

     -Physical ailments/illnesses/deformities- Only the ones brought about by the antelope spirit, listed above.

What they sound like- His natural voice is little more than a low whisper, warm and smooth. When onstage or upset, though, his voice becomes louder and harsher, almost snappy. He has traces of an African accent (more south African than anything) but it is gradually mixing with the British he inherited from his body. He is not one to waste words, and is much better at listening and processing what is being said around him than contributing to a conversation.

Family background and ethnicity- Though his human body is a European man, Kivuli is African at heart. He is a guardian spirit which protects the antelope, serving as a spirit of punishment and retribution to those who take advantage of his herds. Though not having a true "family," he does share his purpose with a "sister spirit," whose name is Angavu and who embodies nurturing and sacrifice. Together, they have monitored the antelope herds for as long as they have existed. At times, the tribes in the areas they have moved through have worshipped them. The magnificent antelope avatars they inhabit were sacrifices made to them by a tribe who sought many successful hunts in the years to come. They received them.

Residence- Travels. Primarily moved through the country, tailing other larger circuses, but when one gets close to the city, he is never too shy to move in with them. He lives in a private wagon, about the size of a small bedroom, pulled by a Shire horse. The room is something of a mix between a human dwelling and a stable, holding a bed, desk, and clothes trunk, but also keeping a large space open and supplied with hay for when the ringmaster desires to go into his antelope form. Having no real possessions, his space is fairly neat, but is also not one to clean up after himself, so oftentimes clothes and documents are scattered around the space.

Occupation- Runs "Stars of the Devil," a collection of physically "different" humans and some supernatural beings, most of which he rescued from abuse at other circuses. He loves his work, not only because it furthers his quest to free himself from his human body, but because it has given him a "herd" to protect. The circus operates by trailing bigger, more famous circuses and setting up not far from their stops, and then beginning their shows shortly after the bigger circus's ends. This has, though, led to many spats with the owners of the more prestigious circuses, especially since his shows are known to be somewhat disturbing and adult in content.

Possessions- Very scarce. The only thing he truly owns is his antelope avatar's skin, and most everything else was bought for him by Nacona, a vagrant Comanche man from America, and his right-hand man and closest friend (who actually suggested the idea of forming the circus.) He does make masks resembling those of the tribes he encountered, and keeps them in his quarters, selling one or two occasionally in the show's shop. His initial lack of balance on two human legs put him in the habit of carrying a cane, with a knife concealed beneath the head for protection. But, being 6'3" and known for a nasty kick, he doesn't often get to use it.

Hobbies- On top of his habit of chasing down rumors of various freaks/supernaturals whenever he goes into town, he also carves and paints spectacular masks based off of those the tribes he would encounter in Africa. He spends many of his sleepless hours slowly whittling and coloring the patterns of these pieces, many of which pay tribute to his sister.

Politics/beliefs- Doesn't involve himself much in either, but does believe that all beings should be treated with respect, if not more. He tends to find human politics preposterous, wether in the government, businesses, or in the social status quo.

Personality- Level-headed and collected, but is very naive in many ways. He is like a new father, ready and able to protect others, but still can overlook things and make mistakes. It doesn't help that he often comes off as flirtatious, since he will innocently say things to the female members of his troupe that they then take the wrong way and consider to be some sort of affection. But, the only thing he truly loves (at least at this moment) is his little band of miscreants and his duty to help and protect them.

     -Likes- Children, wide open spaces, running/dancing, making things with his hands, being warm, the sky, the feeling of dry grass underneath his feet, being around others, performing, rain.

     -Dislikes- Cruelty, small/cramped spaces, clothing, people who take advantage of others, being alone, wasting time.

     -Phobias- Lions and other large predators.

     -Favorite color- Clay red.

     -Taste in music- Heavy drum music with a driving beat. Is also developing a taste for the circus's organ and its whimsical, circular tunes.

Relationships with others- Has a reluctant relationship with human society, and his only real family is his sister, whom he practically worships. Otherwise, his relationships vary depending on the age of the person. If they're younger, the relationship is more fatherly; if older, more friendly. But does assert himself in that he is in charge, especially if challenged. He tends to not pursue love relationships, unless he feels the need to bolster the herd's numbers. But, having now been in a mortal form for so long, his desires are beginning to change.

Character strengths- Is loyal, protective, honest, and brave. He feels a responsibility and duty to help those in need, and does (for reasons beyond his own ends.) He is healthy, both mentally and physically, and is kind and considerate of those around him.

Character flaws- Is naive to many ways of human culture, and has a tendency to not respect authority beyond his own. Can sometimes be seen as manipulative by others, since he will put his duties over emotion, but almost never does this knowingly. He has something of a reputation as a heartbreaker and a hypocrite to certain members of the circus because of this.

Desires- To return to his homeland and sister, to regain his powers as a spirit. However, his developing mortality is also giving rise to the longing to find love and a lifelong mate...

Disgusted by- People's whose existence or happiness is reliant on the suffering of others, and those who will regard those who are different from them as animals. Also the smell of cooking meat.

Feels guilty about- His two human sons, Warren and Leander. Though he felt their creation was necessary to help the herd at the time, the emotional effect on their mothers has caused him great pain and the realization that human love is a very painful thing for all parties involved.

Can't live without- His antelope pelt, as he only feels really free when he puts it on and reassumes his antelope form. It also helps him maintain his sanity, by keeping his true and human forms distinct and separate. Also is dependent on the dream of returning home one day, and his quest to make that come true.

Would finish "I've never told anyone this, but..." with- "I have never really loved just one person before."

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