Monday, May 14, 2012

A More Gentleman-like Manner

He was so happy that he was almost numb to the relief of seeing her come to. The pressure on her side loosened slightly as he said in a low voice that could not hide its exotic accent-

"It's okay, my lady. I am here to help you."

Realizing he was faltering, he pushed soaked cloth back harder against her skin. Out of habit and fear, he checked the alley again for any sign of the constable. She was awake now, at least, so if things came to that she could vouch for him... Hopefully. Hopefully she didn't think it had been him....

He snapped himself out of his concerns. How dare he. There were much more important things to worry about now than his stupid criminal record. Humans didn't understand anyway. Keeping the pressure on her side as best he could, he tugged off the long overcoat he wore, using his teeth to tear off a long strip from the bottom hem. He wrapped this around the makeshift bandage as best he could, saying calmly despite his frantic state of mind-

"I'm going to take you to some people that can help you, okay? You've lost a lot of blood, but try to stay awake. Just hold onto me. I'm going to take care of you."

Covering her exposed body with what remained of his coat, he slid his arms underneath her shoulders and knees, lifting her tiny frame and resting her against his chest. He tried to balance her as he began hurridly walking, keeping her oozing wound pressed against his body. He felt the wet redness soaking into his vest and undershirt, but he didn't care. Nocona could get him new ones. She was nothing at all in his arms. He could hardly believe her body could hold so much blood, and then have survived losing so much....

He tried to quicken his pace, realizing that there probably wasn't much time. Knowing he had to keep her conscious, he glanced his blank eyes onto her and slowly asked, "What is your name, my lady?"

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