Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Secrets and Lies

Dahlia didn't miss the obvious deflection and it made her uncomfortable. Didn't people normally exchange names when they met? She couldn't remember.

After a brief hesitation, she shifted a bit and started feeling around for the pocket in question. Fortunately, the collar of his coat was tucked under her arms and did not inhibit her mobility.

As she fished around for the keys she encountered a few odd items. She couldn't identify them all, but it felt to her like a few coins, a carved, wooden, something..., dried plant matter, and finally a heavy ring of brass keys.

She tugged them free of the pocket and attempted to lift the keys to her face to identify the correct one.

Even that slight effort left her feeling weak.

She quickly passed the keyring to her rescuer's right hand and clutched at his shirt collar.

He hadn't moved, but she was suddenly dizzy and felt like she might be falling.

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