Monday, June 11, 2012


Raelene chuckled lightly.

"Geographically speakin', you're about a mile from the edge of London. To be more spa'ciffic, though," she added, turning to refill the girl's water glass from a jug by the bed. "You're at the camp of The Stars of the Devil. You might'a seen our posters up around town." She took a scrap of cloth and quickly wiped off the floor, hanging the dirty rag off the open window. "And in our ringmaster, Kivuli's, wagon. Pretty rare honor, there." The young lady gave a playful look with raised eyebrows, a wry smile on her lips. "He was the one what brought you over. Found you'd been attacked in the city and all. But don't you worry about nothin'. He don't want you to owe him. He's just a good man like that." She said the last statement softer than the others, her eyes becoming somewhat wistful as she looked out the window. It seemed an unconscious action as she rested her hand on her stomach, before quickly removing it and resuming her work.

She leaned over Dahlia, asking quickly, "Can I see the cut? Now that you're awake, I'd like to reapply the painkillers..." She reached for her mortar and pestle, which had been absentmindedly set in on the bedside table in the hubbub the night before. She began grinding ingredients, and said quietly,

"So, what's your story? You might as well work out the kinks before the rest of the circus catches wind of you and starts askin'." She winked and smiled in a way that made it very difficult to tell how serious she was.

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