Thursday, June 7, 2012


Again, all she felt was pain.

Her head ached, her side burned, and she felt nauseous.

She felt bile rising in her throat, thick and acidic.

She rolled on her side and retched on the floor. The nausea was quickly replaced by guilt and fear.

There was a mess in a room that was not her home, and she had caused it.

Would they be upset with her? Would they scold her? Throw her out?

She tried to sit up, tried to bolt towards the door, but only succeeded in tumbling to the ground, thankfully missing the puddle of sick on the floor.

Her limbs were shaking so severely that she could barely support her own weight as she pushed her torso off of the hay littered wood.

She saw a woman sitting in the chair on the other side of the room who seemed to be startled into waking by the loud "thunk" Dahlia's body made when it hit the floor.

Dahlia's eyes widened as she attempted to scoot away.

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