Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Growing Concern

Raelene raised her eyebrows. Was it really that bad? She had seen the wound on the girl's head, but it hadn't seemed like any more than a scrape and a bump. She'd dealt with newcomers with lost memories before, but this girl's injuries weren't near as bad as some of their's... But who was she to question? There was a lot she didn't understand, especially about the people Kivuli dug up.

She gently lifted up the shirt they'd changed the girl into last night, loosening the bandages around the girl's waist to inspect the stab wound. No blood, good. It seemed to have clotted well under the stitches, and with luck, it wouldn't get infected... She dabbed her fingers into her mortar, smearing the cold yellowish paste over the opening. "Sawrry if that stings," she said. "I promise it'll help, though."

She continued to busy herself with little tasks, swiping a rag over the floor again, taking a bucket of bloody bandages out to the porch. A few of the other employees hurriedly jumped to looking busy as she stepped outside, and she furrowed her brow. They were catching on. She hoped Nocona would be back soon; he could always scatter the nosy ones like flies.

Poor girl. Raelene could only hope she was ready for this madness.

She stepped back inside, pouring herself a handful of water, which she downed as she took a seat on the chair next to the pile of hay. "So, do you remember your name?" she asked carefully. "Or anything we could use to help get you home?"

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